Fyrishov Hall A

Coach: X-Ray Sex
Please be at practice 15 min early to gear up. So that we can lay the track at 19.00 and start the warm up in time.

Please bring both a black and a white shirt for end of practice scrimmage.

Availability list

Owen Reaper Monique Jenny M Nahid A X-Ray Butcher Signe J
Ginger Shot Raphaela Zelda G Bae Lil macho Erna M
Sparta Bush Johanna A Stickan Spinning Charlotte Pain's Grey Sony Freestyle Nasty Linnea L Mean K Mastina Hedvig Annica J Emmelie Anna A Ingrid W Lina L Caj Deimante K Felicia A Anger Issues Brute Raging Nerd Major Hybris Murderface Elsa K Muscle Eira Linnea E

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Player 5 4
NSO 0 0
Coach 2 0
Referee 0 1
Junior player 1 1
Visitors 0
Total In 8 Out 6
Previous / Next In Out
Flight school Wed 13.3. at 19:00 6 6
Meeting/Social Thu 14.3. at 19:00 11 3
Practice Mon 18.3. at 19:00 8 6
Flight school Wed 20.3. at 19:00 0 2
Meeting/Social Sat 23.3. at 15:00 9 5

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