Maja, profile photo

Jag ska försöka komma men kanske inte som spelare

Klara responded out

Förkyld :(


Hej alla! På måndag 5 feb är det dags för scrim. Vi i coachgruppen vill att så många som möjligt är med! Alla i föreningen är välkomna att delta på olika sätt.

Mer info hittar du i eventbeskrivningen.

Vi ses på måndag!
/Butcher och tränarna

Hey everyone! This Monday, February 5th, it's time for a scrim. The coach group want as many people as possible to join! Everyone in Uppsala Roller Derby is welcome to participate in different ways.

More information can be found in the event description.

See you all on Monday!
/Butcher and the coaches

Maja, profile photo

Hi and welcome to another semester of fun on skates with Uppsala Roller Derby!

Both flight school and intermediate practices have started for the semester and it will be great to see you all again after the winter break. Please note that the coaches ask you to be at practice 15 min early to gear up. So that we can lay the track at 19.00 and start the warm up in time.

Save the date! Årsmöte den 14 mars kl 19. Mer information kommer framöver. Eventuella motioner från medlemmar behöver vara styrelsen till handa senast 14 februari. (Grand annual meeting on 14th March at 7 pm. More information to come. Any motions from members need to reach the board at the latest on 14th of February.)

New semester, new fees to pay!

Since a new year is upon us, everybody need to pay the yearly association membership fee:
- 100 kr, membership fee, valid for one calendar year (Jan-Dec)The training fee is payed per semester.

These are our training fee cost categories for adult skating members:
- 600 kr, regular fee
- 300 kr, reduced fee. We have a reduced fee so that everyone will be able to practice with URD, regardless of financial status. If you want to pay the reduced fee, you have to send an e-mail to the board, stating your reason (styrelsen(miuku)uppsalarollerderby(piste)se).

You can pay the membership fee and the training fee in one payment. I.e. either 700 or 400 kr in total.

Note that the beginner fee is only valid the first semester that you skate with URD, after that the normal fees apply as stated above.

Plusgiro-konto: 64 03 01-8
Mark your transaction with NAME VT24 AS (adult skater).
Please pay before January 31!
(To be able to vote at the annual grand meeting, the membership fee for the year must have reached us Feb 14th at the latest, but that will not be an issue since you will all pay before January 31 :) )

Some extra info about gear rental:

URD has a limited amount of gear to lend or rent out - the size of the association does not allow us to provide an unlimited gear rental service with all that it entails in administation, replacing worn-out gear etc. We thus have gear to lend/rent to facilitate for people to start doing roller derby, but we expect everybody to obtain their own gear sooner rather than later (e.g. via Sticky skates or Roller derby-loppis on Facebook). Therefore, the association can lend you gear for a couple of weeks, if you have ordered your own gear and wait for it to arrive. If you use the gear for longer, you are expected to pay the rental fee (500 kr per semester). Also, our goal is to only rent out gear for one semester to each person - enough time to try out the sport and the equipment and get a grip on what to buy for yourself.

If you had rental gear last semester and would like to keep it for longer, please contact the materials group (Raphaela and Yrsa/Gasolina) to see if they are ok with making an exception and renting out the gear to you for longer. Also, you need to pay the rental fee, which is 500 kr per semester. And please note that if there will be a new beginner intake during this semster, you may be asked to hand in your gear, for it to be used by someone who is new to the sport. Also, all gear must without any exceptions be returned at the end of the spring semester.

Bae for the Board

Karin, profile photo

Julscrim/X-mas scrim!

English below

Lördagen den 16 december är det dags för föreningens årliga julscrim som det här året går av stapeln i A-hallen i Fyrishov. Tyvärr blev vi av med eftermiddagstiden som vi först hade bokat, så avslutningen blir på förmiddagen istället.

Vita och blå chicks samt vuxenlaget kommer att spela en gemensam match där vi varvar jam på level 2, level 3 och advanced/vuxna. I matchpausen kommer Rull & Kull köra en uppvisning.

Alla spelare som vill vara med på julavslutningen anmäler sig via länken nedan senast söndag 3 december. Vill man inte spela match/vara med på uppvisningen utan bara vara publik eller komma och hänga med laget är det bra om man anmäler sig ändå så att vi har lite koll på hur många som kommer.

Som vanligt kommer vi att behöva hjälp av frivilliga som kan vara NSOs. Den här gången kommer vi även behöva lite extra hjälp med att tejpa track eftersom det inte finns några målade linjer i Fyrishov. Frivilliga som kan hjälpa till på något sätt anmäler sig via länken nedan.

Ungefärligt tidsschema:
9:00 Samling för track-läggare mfl. för att lägga track och ställa i ordning bord & bänkar mm.
9:45 Samling för alla spelare
10:15 On skate-uppvärmning för alla som ska spela match
10:30 Matchstart
10:30 Samling för Rull & Kull
11:00 PAUS med uppvisning av Rull & Kull
12:00 Städning - alla hjälps åt!

Enligt traditionen spelar vi tomtar mot granar (rött mot grönt) och kreativa matchkläder är mycket uppskattade. Om man inte har tid eller ork att fixa en egen matchtröja kommer det att finnas röda och gröna västar att låna. Vi meddelar vilka som ska vara tomtar respektive granar ca en vecka innan avslutningen.

Tränargruppen och styrelsen


On Saturday 16 December it´s time for the leagues annual Christmas scrim, which this year takes place in the A-hall in Fyrishov. Unfortunately, we lost the afternoon time that we had originally booked, so the scrim will be in the morning instead.

White and blue chicks and the adult team will play a joint match where we alternate jams at level 2, level 3 and advanced/adults. During the match break, Rull & Kull will put on a show.

All players who want to participate in the Christmas scrim register via the link below by Sunday 3 December at the latest. If you don't want to play a match, but just be an audience or come and hang out with the team, it's good if you register anyway so we have some idea of ​​how many people are coming.

As usual, we will need the help of volunteers who may be NSOs. This time we will also need some extra help taping the track since there are no painted lines in Fyrishov. Volunteers who can help in any way register via the link below.

Approximate timetable:
9:00 Gathering for track-layers etc. to lay track and arrange tables & benches etc.
9:45 Gathering for all players
10:15 On skate warm-up for everyone who is going to play a match
10:30 Match start
10:30 Collection for Rull & Kull
11:00 BREAK with presentation of Rull & Kull
12:00 Cleaning - everyone helps!

According to tradition, we play santas :santa: against christmas trees :christmas_tree: (red against green) and creative match clothes are much appreciated. If you don't have the time or energy to fix your own match shirt, there will be red and green vests to borrow. We will announce who will be the Santas and Christmas trees about a week before the end.



Hello everyone! We were supposed to be at Linneas place for the derby watch on Friday. Unfortunately that’s no longer possible. Does anyone else have an TV and a place to be? If so - feel free to host it instead! Otherwise we’ll reschedule.


The social group CANCELS tomorrow’s derby watch because of logistics and reschedules it till next year. The NEW date is 26th of January🥳 there is an event on Teamsidor for this where you can sign up.

Borg new and old members are very welcome to this where we choose an old game to watch and get to know each other off track🛼