Promethea responded in

Off skates

Johanna responded in

Jag har ryggskott men det kanske vi kan hjälpas åt att tackla bort?!

Nahid responded in

Övar på sidan


Kommer sent! Skatestrul…

(removed member)

Övningsrullar på sidan :)


Blir lite sen idag! Behövde akutfixa en grej med mina skates.

Karin, profile photo

Come scrim with us!

On Saturday the 11th of November we will have our next scrim. It's at Tiundaskolans idrottshall.

First the younger juniors will scrim and during that scrim everyone that wants to can help out as NSO or skating official.
After that the older juniors will plays level 3 scrim and every other line will be advanced were we adults can join in.
During this scrim help is also needed as NSO or skating official, if you'd rather not play or isn't cleared for full contact.

Times are as follows:
14:30 Meet for first scrim
15:00 First scrim starts
15:30 Meet for second scrim
16:00 Second scrim starts.

In order for us to plan the scrim, please sign up using this link

That is regardless if you want to play or help out, Sign up latest 9 November so we have time to plan lines and duties!

See you on the track!

Jenny responded in

Säkert att det är träning i A-sal? Fullt med gymnaster

Johanna responded in

The practice is cancelled due to the hall being rented out